Find That Lost 401(k)!
About the author: Lamar Watson, CFP®, is a Fee-Only Financial Advisor in the Washington, D.C. area that works with clients virtually across the country. Lamar's work with his clients starts with a focus on budgeting, insurance, optimizing employee benefits, investing, and retirement planning. Dream Financial Planning is a Fiduciary Financial Planning firm specifically designed to help individuals in their 30s and 40s take control of their finances and fulfill their dreams. Feel free to schedule a complimentary consultation to learn how we use the DREAM Financial Planning Process ™ to help our clients achieve their goals.
Do you have a long-lost retirement account left with a former employer? Maybe it's been so long that you can't even remember? With over 24 million "forgotten" 401(k) accounts holding roughly $1.35 trillion in assets, even the most organized professional may be surprised to learn of their unclaimed "found" money.1
What are "Forgotten" Retirement Accounts?
Considering that baby boomers alone have worked an average of 12 jobs in their lifetime, it can be all too easy for retirement accounts to get lost in the shuffle.2 Think back to your first job. Can you remember what happened to your work-sponsored retirement plan? If you're even slightly unsure, then it's time to go looking for your potential "forgotten" funds.
Retirement Plan Account Types
Before we get into your search, let's review the types of work-sponsored retirement accounts available. By no means is this an exhaustive list, but the following are the most commonly-found retirement accounts.
- 401(k) - This is a company-sponsored retirement plan that allows employees to contribute a portion of their wages to individual accounts. Some employer plans include automatic enrollment for new employees, so it's possible you may have contributed money without being aware of it.3
- 403(b) - This is a retirement vehicle offered by public schools and certain 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations. Just as with a 401(k) plan, a 403(b) plan lets employees defer some of their salary into individual accounts. The deferred salary is generally not subject to federal or state income tax until it's distributed. If you've ever been employed by a public school, college, university, church, or non-profit, you may have been offered a chance to participate.4
- Defined Benefit Plan - Sometimes known as traditional pensions, which promise the participant a specified monthly benefit at retirement. Often, the benefit is based on factors such as the participant's salary, age, and the number of years worked for the employer.5
Once you reach age 72, you must begin taking required minimum distributions from your 401(k), 403(b) or other defined-contribution plans in most circumstances. Withdrawals from defined-contribution plans are taxed as ordinary income and, if taken before age 59½, may be subject to a 10% federal income tax penalty.
Starting Your Search
One of the best ways to find lost retirement accounts is to contact your former employers. If you're unsure where to direct your call, the human resources or accounting department should be able to check their plan records to see if you've ever participated. However, you will most likely be asked to provide your full name, Social Security number, and the dates you worked, so be sure to come prepared.
If your former employer is no longer around, look for an old 401k statement. Often these will have the contact information for the plan administrator. If you don't have an old statement, consider reaching out to former coworkers who may have the information you need.
Even if these first steps don't turn up much info, they can help you gather important information.
Websites to Check
Next, it's time to take your search online. Make sure you have as much information as possible at hand and give the following resources a try.
National Registry of Unclaimed Retirement Benefits - This database uses employer and Department of Labor data to determine if you have any unpaid or lost retirement account money. Like most of these online tools, you'll need to provide your Social Security number, but no additional information is required.6
FreeERISA - If your forgotten account was worth more than $1,000 but less than $5,000, it might have been rolled into a default traditional Individual Retirement Account (IRA). Employers create default IRAs when a former employee can't be located or fails to respond when contacted. You can search for 401k and IRA accounts for free using this database, but registration is required.7
Once you reach age 72, you must begin taking required minimum distributions from a Traditional IRA in most circumstances. Withdrawals from Traditional IRAs are taxed as ordinary income and, if taken before age 59½, may be subject to a 10% federal income tax penalty.
The U.S. Department of Labor - Finally, the department of labor tracks plans that have been abandoned or are in the process of being terminated. Try searching their database to find the Qualified Termination Administrator (QTA) responsible for directing the shutdown of the plan.8
What's Next?
Once you've found your retirement account, what you do with it depends on the type of plan and where it's held. Your location also matters. Depending on where you live, rules and regulations may differ.
No matter what you decide to do, be sure to involve your tax and financial professionals since they'll be informed on current regulations for your state. They can also help you identify a strategy for your newfound money: travel, investment, maybe that vacation home you've always wanted. You worked hard for that money, after all, so you should get to enjoy it!
Dream Financial Planning Process ™
Whether you're managing student loan debt, starting a family, or considering buying your first home, the DREAM Financial Planning Process™ is tailored to the unique needs of busy professionals in their 30s and 40s. This process focuses more on short-term goals while you grow and evolve in your personal and professional life. So if you're looking for guidance on Financial Planning, optimizing employee benefits, budgeting, student loans, and managing your 401k or investments, we can help.
Complimentary Consultation
With uncertainty surrounding the economic stability of our country, it's okay to have fears and anxieties surrounding your savings and investments. The most productive course of action from here is to reach out to Dream Financial Planning (or whoever your trusted advisor might be) and discuss your options. It's easy to have knee-jerk reactions when it feels like the bottom is falling out, but it is imperative to make decisions using research-backed data and a level head. If you'd like a Complimentary Review and risk assessment of your investment portfolio, feel free to send me an e-mail.
Monthly Newsletter
In the June Newsletter, I provide a market update and a PDF guide with tips to help you handle inflation. I also shared a CNN article where I shared my thoughts on Crypto and NFTs, 5 savings mistakes people make when building their financial life. If you find any of this information helpful, feel free to sign up to receive future e-mail updates. If you find any of this information helpful, feel free to sign up to receive future newsletters via e-mail.
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- https://www.kiplinger.com/retirement/retirement-plans/401ks/603334/how-to-find-a-lost-retirement-account
- https://money.usnews.com/money/retirement/401ks/articles/what-are-unclaimed-retirement-benefits-and-how-to-find-them
- https://www.irs.gov/retirement-plans/401k-plans
- https://www.irs.gov/retirement-plans/irc-403b-tax-sheltered-annuity-plans
- https://www.irs.gov/retirement-plans/defined-benefit-plan
- https://unclaimedretirementbenefits.com
- https://freeerisa.benefitspro.com/
- https://www.askebsa.dol.gov/AbandonedPlanSearch/
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